Monday, March 22, 2010

and one more thing

I really wanted to post something eloquent about the health insurance reform bill, but I am simply not feeling all that eloquent on this Monday night (I think those five minutes of exposure to Dancing with the Stars cost me several thousand brain cells). But when I clicked on one of my favorite blogs,, I found a post that said it all for me! Yay plagiarism! Although I am giving credit where credit is due, so here are my thoughts summed up in much better words than I can currently muster, from

"Yesterday was a nerve-wracking, twisting, twirling, everyone walking around with an accidental mohawk kind of a day in our house as we waited to see what would happen with health care reform. Now, before I go any further, this is not going to be a rant or an attempt to shove my liberal agenda down your throat. And if it were possible I'd pass out cookies and Tic Tacs at the end. And of course we'd bless them first and ask the Lord to make sure that everyone had a safe trip home.

Many of you I'm sure disagree with me when it comes to health care reform, and that's fine. But I was really hoping that this bill would pass because it affects Leta directly and immediately (and Jon and me eventually). When we started this business five years ago we each had to apply for private insurance individually, and each of us was denied because of pre-existing conditions: Jon for hay fever, me for depression, and Leta because of a skull disfiguration at two-months of age that healed itself within a few months.

We applied to three different companies, and each company denied us. So we qualified for the state-run high risk pool. Which is basically catastrophic insurance. And it costs a fortune. But now Leta cannot be denied insurance for her "pre-existing condition" and no longer has to depend on the state-run plan. I heard a lot of talk about how this bill was going to socialize medicine, when in fact just the opposite is happening, at least in the case of my six-year-old daughter. We can now pay into the private sector for her health insurance. Boom.

Also, if Marlo gets sick, she can't lose her insurance.

Is this bill perfect? No. Is it a start in the right direction? I personally think so. Do I expect to change anyone's opinion? Of course not. But I thought it was important to show you that we are a living, breathing example of how this bill is changing things. For the better, I think. This is healthcare for my children."

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