Thursday, February 11, 2010

photoshop cs4 has taken over my life

So I'm currently taking an online course on Photoshop CS4, and I'm fairly certain by the end of it I will be able to take a photograph and turn it into a rainbow made of puppies. And then I'll be able to retouch the puppies so they don't look fat or have dark circles underneath their eyes. Because that's how sweet Photoshop CS4 is. It has seriously taken over my life. I am finding myself absolutely riveted by each new attribute of this software. And I am deeply saddened that my free trial will expire in 28 days and it will be 28 years before I can afford to buy the software for myself. But before that sad day, I am determined to bedazzle the heck out of all my pictures. Because really that's what photoshop does. It bedazzles. It takes something boring and dull and turns them into sparkly, jazzy, magic. And did I mention that part where you can make people thinner and prettier!? All my life I've huffed and puffed at retouching scandals. I've furrowed my brow over Demi Moore and models with thighs the size of string cheeses. But now, now that I know how to do all of that! Oh the power, the sweet, sweet power.

And here are some examples of the magic rainbow of slender, clear skinned puppies that is Photoshop CS4.





After (so to dork out a little this is a new feature called Content Aware Scaling, where you can basically tell Photoshop what in the image you want to preserve, in this case, me and my lovely friends, and then you can change the shape of the picture however you want and the image you want to preserve wont be in any way distorted):






And just because she's so darn cute, one more of my niece, and no of course I did no retouching for her, she's perfect and couldn't be made any more perfect!


So to summarize, Photoshop CS4 is pretty much the coolest toy ever. And I never want to stop playing with it.

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